



I please a mosquito looking for the most lovable you,it will tell you I want you,and ask i~~好的句子总是能打动人心,以下是由节日祝福网小编为你整理的《中秋节英语祝福语汇总18条》,欢迎大家阅读收藏,分享给身边的人!


2、I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival, everything goes well, your heart is full of thoughts and success!

3、The magpie bridge broke on July 7 and the baby circled on August 15. The Bodhisattva Hospital is warm in the sun and cool in the autumn. The moon is infinite and full. 七月七日鹊桥断,八月十五月儿圆。日暖秋凉菩,提院,月儿无限月长圆。

4、Although I am not around you at this moment, my blessings and wishes will always be around you. Take care, my dearest. 虽然你我不能相聚,但我的思念和祝福伴随你走每一段路。亲爱的,保重!

5、中秋佳节不送礼,发条短信祝福你,健康快乐长伴你,好运和你不分离!the mid-autumn festival does not give gifts, clockwork sms blessing you, with your long healthy and happy, good luck and you do not separation! 祝福你天天快乐。 wish you a happy day.






11、Net edge! Love! Full moon! Mid autumn night language send Acacia, love is difficult to round、Take to greet and miss, wish things come true, wish yuan yuan.


13、The moon is full again. You are as perfect as my heart. Your success and mine will begin today. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 月又圆了,你和我的心同样的圆满,你我的成功就从今天开始。中秋节日快乐哦!

14、august is not altogether gifts clockorroe there will be turned over to the state treasury of the cakes, turned over to the state treasury pay my house also, the future not be allowed to breach drying moon!

15、Mid Autumn Festival, let moonlight send my blessing: reunion, happy every day!


17、I wish you happy company, good luck, Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

18、I please a mosquito looking for the most lovable you,it will tell you I want you,and ask it for me Truth between kindsfold you,as it will for me to send you a lot of red envelopes.I hope I was the first one you wish a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!我拜托一只最可爱的蚊子去找你,它会告诉你我很想你,并请它替我亲亲你,因为它会替我送上很多x给你,希望我是第一个祝福你中秋快乐的人!