




1、wish that your career and life, just like the round moon on Did-Autumn Day, be bright and perfect. 祝你的事业和生活像那中秋的圆月一样,亮亮堂堂,圆圆满满。

2、hope the round moon will bring my best wishes to you, my best friend. 月是中秋分外明,我把相思遥相寄!节日快乐,我的朋友

3、刚刚送走了美丽的嫦娥,又迎来了祖国的华诞。Just off the beautiful Chang E, ushered in the birthday ofthe motherland.

4、I wish the motherland prosperity and prosperity and early reunification. I also wish you happiness, well-being and good luck, as soon as possible to achieve your wish. Happy Mid Autumn Festival! 祝愿祖国繁荣昌盛富强,早日实现统一。也祝你幸福安康如意,早日达成心愿。中秋节快乐!

5、Wishing you joy and happiness on this Mid-Autumn Festival, shining like the moonlight.

6、Still remember the happy time on Mid-autumn Festival when we were children? Best wishes for you!还记得儿时我们共度的那个中秋吗?祝你节日快乐。


8、Department Yu Cheng met in edge, the bosom friend, a true friend no matter where, always always pay off and love, I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn festival! 相识系于缘,相知系于诚,一个真正的朋友不论在身何处,总时时付出关和爱,愿你中秋快乐!

9、On a full moon night, the bright moon is in the sky! No matter how far away we are, I cant stop my deep miss for you! 月圆之夜明月当空是!无论我们的距离多遥远,都挡不住我对你深深的思念!

10、pany you and me. The bright moon , regardless that home, I have conviction in my mind. I eland. The round moon in the sky makes me feel homesick.


12、家是我们情之所系的地方,虽只身在外,但心系家园。 17He~Com

13、May the Mid-Autumn Festival bring endless warmth and joy to you and your family.

14、When the moon is full, you will be as successful as my heart, and your success will begin again. 月圆了,你和我的心同样的圆满,你的成功就从次开始。

15、am glad that you are with me on the full moonnight. I want to whisper to you that Happy Mid-Autumn Day my dearest.

16、Although you not to eat the moon cakes, but we want to feel like we have the waves to you.虽然没能吃到你的月饼,但我们想把我们波涛般的心情传递给你。

17、May your life be like the fifteen moon, round and full. 愿你的生活就象这十五的月亮一样,圆圆满满。

18、Full Moon is the time when I miss you! Regardless of our distance from more distant, are unstoppable, I deeply miss you!月圆的时候就是我想念你们的时候!无论我们的距离多遥远,都挡不住我对你深深的思念!

19、If you can't see the moon on the Mid-Autumn Festival, don't be surprised, because ^v^the moon represents my heart^v^ and it is in my heart. I have woven every ray of moonlight into this short message and sent it to you. I wish you happiness!

20、Pass the friendship on to each other, and warm the feeling between you and me. Build eternal, Happy Mid Autumn Festival.

21、Mid-Autumn went to far in my home,only one conviction in mind - I wish the pro-family well-being of the peopleforever!


22、6With the advent of the Mid-Autumn festival, I wish your company scale, business development, the business is thriving, source of money widely enter! 、随着中秋的到来,预祝贵公司规模扩大,业务发展,生意兴隆,财源广进!

23、You cakes I stuffing, smell the meeting;You are my kite is the line, recovery being chased by you; You Mingyue ISprings, menu 10,000 years!

24、By Jun associated with the lack of a fullmoon to share this point of time!


