



愿生命的精彩和顽强与您同行,愿事业的蓬勃和你的美丽永恒!恭祝元宵佳节快乐!Let life wonderful and strong with your peers, vigoro~~你喜欢上面的短句吗?经过收集,节日祝福网编辑整理了关于元宵节的英语祝福语精选,更多相关信息请继续关注本网站。


2、Wish you happiness like a living treasure, happy life more wonderful!

3、ay you enjoy the dumplings and enjoy the festival.





8、元宵夜连连,万户雪花开。欢歌笑语,千家把酒赏花灯。Yuan snack, oon brightness degree of the holidays.



11、在元宵节来临之际,祝你平安,快乐,幸福。万事圆!In the Lantern Festival approaching, I wish you peace, joy and happiness. Everything is round!


13、Celebrate yuanxiao send you a round full moon! Sending you wishes bright moon brightness degree of the holidays! May the New Year everything! Life I wish people for a long time!

14、The Lantern Festival, send lanterns; Healthy light, quiet; The best light, good luck to meet; Brilliant light, career; y thoughts in it! Happy lantern!

15、Thinking of you and s that Lantern Festival is here once again, and it is time again to bring in happiness、 ay the beauty and joy of Neain greetings and best onth to the Lunar Neerge Festival, and you never at the best of luck and success in the future never happy!


17、At this moment, I have the deepest yearning to cloud Qiaoqu full blessing embellishment you sweet dreams, you would like to have a happy Feast、

18、The Lantern Festival wishing you a song in your heart!



21、元宵节又到了,还记得我们有猜灯谜做的同样的兴奋逛庙会?现在依然很忙,人与人是不同的,远方的你,可好苍蝇?有时间写哟! lantern festival came around again, remember we are visiting the temple with the same excitement of guessing riddles do? now busy still, people are different, the distance you, flies kehao? have time to write yo!



24、round round moon face, fresh sweet sweet spirit of the sweet rice balls, packed full of sheng give you a bowl, and put on my the united states and the united states of the united states and the united states wishes for the lantern festival!

25、sincere blessing, wish you are in the Lantern Festival, happy like firecrackers, will beep PaPa happy; The life of happiness like lights, light sweet, sweet like dumplings, circle the persistence of life!


27、Sendyouabunchofviolets,hforever.(实用文书网 wWW.WeI508.CoM)



30、I oon hangs high, the moon smiles at you, and the mouth contains the Lantern Festival, plings are delicious, happy at the entrance, and true. I boo leaves, the reunion of Mid-Autumn Festival is blended by hand y best th, good health, abundant financial resources, smooth and happy oon shines on Kyushu, and the people of all ethnic groups travel happily. Poiss splings . idnight snack, Lantern Festival, Lantern Festival every night, Happy Neplings.

31、元宵万家团圆,愿你美事圆圆,快乐溜溜圆,笑容分外甜;好运圆溜溜,财源似水流;健康圆又圆,身体倍康健;幸福永圆圆,美好日子常相伴! Yuanxiao gathering, yuan yuan, I wish you a good happy walk round, smile is sweet; Good luck round, money like water flow; Round and round, health body times is healthy; And happiness, good day often go hand in hand!

32、As those lanterns to rice glue ball happiness snow bumper harvest jade candle na swallowed lanterns as the spring I wish my dear friends happy Lantern Festival!

33、Wish you a strong life everywhere, the Lantern Festival to the side, I wish you the most happy mood.



36、愿生命的精彩和顽强与您同行,愿事业的蓬勃和你的美丽永恒!恭祝元宵佳节快乐!Let life wonderful and strong with your peers, vigorous and may cause your beautiful eternal! Happy Lantern Festival!