



“May our flag always fly high and proud!”国庆节是中华人民共和国成立的日子,每年我们都会举行盛大的庆典来庆祝他,凡是涉及到语言层次的,那就不得不谈祝福语。十一国庆节英语祝福语是我最近推荐的我觉得您会喜欢,这些句子会为你提供一些积极的思维模式和心态!


1、Wishing you all a Happy National Day filled with love, pride and unity for our nation!

2、Happy National Day to our great nation and its wonderful people!

3、Wishing you a National Day filled with love, peace, and unity!

4、Let's celebrate China's greatness on National Day!

5、Cheers to a bright and prosperous future for our nation on this National Day!

6、On National Day, let's renew our commitment to build a prosperous and peaceful China!

7、Let's cherish our motherland and build a better future for her! 让我们珍爱祖国,为她建设更美好的未来!

8、Here's to the unity, diversity, and strength of our beloved nation. Happy National Day!

9、Happy National Day, dear fellow citizens! Let's cherish our freedom and work towards a better future together.

10、May this National Day inspire us all to work together for the good of our country and its people.

11、Best wishes for a festive and meaningful National Day celebration!

12、May this National Day be a reminder of the strength and resilience of our nation. Happy festivities!

13、Let's celebrate our unique culture, rich traditions, and amazing diversity on this National Day.

14、Happy 71st anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China! May our nation continue to thrive and grow. 祝中华人民共和国建国71周年快乐!愿我们的国家继续繁荣昌盛。

15、Let's use National Day to commemorate our roots, empower our present, and forge our future!

16、Happy National Day, let's celebrate the joy and unity of being part of the Chinese family.

17、May our motherland flourish and prosper forever! 愿祖国繁荣昌盛!

18、May the joy and excitement of this National Day stay with you long after the celebrations have ended.

19、Here's wishing you a bright and prosperous future as we celebrate this great nation on its National Day.

20、Happy National Day, and let's continue to work towards a brighter, better tomorrow.


21、May our country continue to shine and inspire others on this National Day.

22、Let us unite and build a stronger China together!

23、Let's celebrate this National Day with hope for a more united and inclusive society.

24、Happy National Day to our brave firefighters and police officers who risk their lives to protect our people and our country! 祝我们勇敢的消防员和警察国庆节快乐,他们冒着生命危险保护我们的人民和国家!

25、Happy birthday, China! Keep shining and inspiring the world with your greatness.

26、Happy National Day to all the hardworking and dedicated citizens of this great nation.

27、May our country continue to prosper and thrive on this National Day and always!

28、Let us reaffirm our commitment to making our nation a better place for all its citizens!

29、May this National Day be a reminder that we are all one proud and united nation!

30、Let's come together to celebrate our nation's independence on this National Day. Happy celebrations to all!

31、Let's use this National Day to appreciate the beauty of our natural environment and protect it for future generations.

32、Proud to be Chinese, proud to celebrate National Day! 自豪地做中国人,自豪地庆祝国庆!

33、Happy National Day to all! Let's unite in celebration of our great nation and its people.

34、Let's wave our flags high and embrace our patriotic spirit on this National Day. Happy celebrations to all!

35、As we celebrate National Day, let us remember the sacrifices and hard work of our ancestors. 让我们在庆祝国庆节的同时,记住我们先祖们的牺牲和努力。

36、Happy National Day to all! Let's embrace our unique identity as Chinese!

37、May our country continue to inspire us with its pristine beauty and ecological diversity!

38、May our country's foundation remain strong and unwavering!

39、Happy National Day! Let us cherish our freedoms and never take them for granted.

40、Best wishes for a happy and healthy National Day with your loved ones near and far! 祝您和远方、近在咫尺的亲人国庆节快乐、健康!


41、Happy National Day to the land of our birth! May we always cherish and protect our freedom!

42、Happy National Day, China! Let's move forward with courage and hope!

43、Let's enjoy the festive atmosphere of National Day and have a good time with loved ones! 让我们享受国庆节的欢乐气氛,和亲人共度美好时光!

44、On National Day, let's join hands and work towards making China even more successful!

45、May our flag always fly high and proud!

46、Let's cherish the bright future that lies ahead for our great nation.

47、Here's wishing you a glorious National Day filled with joy and happiness!

48、Enjoy the celebrations on National Day!

49、May our country continue to inspire us to become better versions of ourselves!

50、Let us remember the sacrifices made by our forefathers on this National Day.

51、May our nation continue to prosper and flourish as we celebrate its independence!

52、Happy National Day to all! Let's work towards progress and unity as a nation.

53、Celebrating the pride and dignity of being Chinese on this joyous National Day.

54、Congratulations on China's National Day, the day of pride and honor!

55、May the stars and stripes always wave proudly for our great nation and all who call it home this National Day and beyond!

56、May our country continue to prosper in peace, security and happiness! Happy National Day!

57、Let us join together to celebrate the birth of our nation on this National Day!

58、Let's work towards a better future where every citizen can thrive and succeed on National Day and always!

59、Let's continue to pursue excellence and growth on National Day and beyond!

60、Happy National Day! Let's continue to work towards a brighter and better future for our country.