




1、20xx to 9.15 cylindrical / you love your pity / you often linked to heart / Tonight the dumpling is very Nien / when we can celebrate.月到十五分外圆/把你疼爱把你怜/常常把你挂心间/今夜的汤圆甚是粘/我们何时能团圆/

2、lantern festival is approaching, the state council issued five prohibitions: the prohibition busy pretending to ignore me; against rich forget me; the prohibition of hard not help me; prohibiting the dinner will not ask me; ban leisure did not want me; require sound implementation!元宵节将至,国务院下发五条禁令:禁止假装忙不理我;对富人忘了我;硬禁止不帮我;禁止吃饭不叫我;禁令休闲不想我;要求狠抓落实!

3、Happy Lantern festival I would like to miss and blessing.快乐的元宵之际,谨致我的想念与祝福。

4、Round and round,sweet and honey,and beautiful,smooth!团团圆圆,甜甜蜜蜜,和和美美,顺顺利利!

5、Wish you a happy life and a successful career!愿你吃了乐开颜,生活圆满,事业顺利!

6、Round and round, sweet and honey, and beautiful, smooth!团团圆圆,甜甜蜜蜜,和和美美,顺顺利利!

7、Lantern Festival Night, bless your hair, wish you a happy festival, happiness is limitless!元宵夜,祝福发指间,祝节日快乐,幸福无极限!

8、the day of the first month Shiwuru infants round, sweet blessings of Beier ah, you would like to win pretty ah, good luck often repeatedly ah, the Lantern Festival happy! 正月十五月儿圆那,祝福的话倍儿甜啊,愿你漂亮一年胜一年呀,好运好事常连连啊,元宵节快乐!

9、Enjoy the Lantern Festival.祝君元宵节团圆甜蜜,赏花观灯猜谜拿奖。

10、Extend warm congratulations and best wishes,happy Lantern festival!快乐的元宵之际,谨致我的想念与祝福。

11、in this day of the season such as lights, we were the same evening, tonight I want you to become the most happy people infants.

12、Yuanxiaoye night Lantern Festival, the nightly Yuanxiaoye happy, happy years, the mid-happy, I wish you a happy holiday! 元宵夜,夜元宵,夜夜元宵夜喜庆年,年喜庆,年年喜庆年,祝您节日快乐!

13、may your family be reunited and everything go smoothly and smoothly!愿你合家团团圆圆,一切顺顺利利!

14、The Lantern Festival is coming. I wish you happiness, good luck, good health and peace!元宵节到了,愿君开心快乐,吉祥如意,健康平安,万事顺心!

15、wish you good luck, good health and good mood!祝愿您吉祥如意,身体健康,心情舒爽!

16、months to ca cylindrical, put your love to your pity, and often hang your heart, the evening‘s sticky glutinous rice balls is, of course, when we will be reunited.月圆月圆,把你的爱放在你的怜悯里,常常挂在你的心上,晚上粘粘的汤圆,当然是我们团聚的时候。ZR120.cOM

17、Happy new year,Lantern festival to,lucky happiness around the year.过年好,元宵到,幸幸福福一年绕。

18、Wish you a happy Lantern Festival and a happy life every spring!祝你元宵乐开怀,幸福生活每一春!

19、The annual Lantern Festival arrives to celebrate the festival.一年一度元宵到,同庆佳节乐逍遥。

20、Warm greetings and best wishes for Lantern Festival!致以热烈的祝贺和良好的祝福,元宵节快乐!

21、Happy Lantern Festival I would like to miss and blessing.快乐的元宵之际,谨致我的想念与祝福。

22、Tangyuan sticky, people reunion, Red Candle Lantern Festival, happy family.汤圆粘,人团圆,红烛花灯闹佳节,欢乐阖家欢。

23、round round moon face, fresh sweet sweet spirit of the sweet rice balls, packed full of sheng give you a bowl, and put on my the united states and the united states of the united states and the united states wishes for the lantern festival!圆圆的月亮的脸,甜甜的汤圆新鲜甜甜蜜精神,装得满满的盛给你一碗,装上我的美国和美国和美国的美国祝愿元宵节!

24、Happy Lantern Festival, happy and healthy!祝元宵节快乐,幸福安康!

25、I wish you a good mood,a wonderful career and a happy Lantern festival.祝愿你心情好,事业妙,快快乐乐度元宵。

26、Lantern Festival, enjoy the moon, enjoy the Lantern Festival, a little happiness!元宵佳节,赏月赏灯品元宵,快乐一点不能少!

27、wish you a happy Lantern Festival!祝朋友你元宵节甜甜美美,圆圆满满!

28、Wish you a happy and happy family in the Lantern Festival!愿您在元宵节中开开心心,阖家团团圆圆!

29、Send you a bowl of sweet dumplings, each dumpling is a smile and blessing!送你一碗甜密汤圆,每颗汤圆都是微笑和祝福!

30、yuan xiao lantern festival edge, 35 yuan xiao nan xiao stomach. tonight refrain from greedy glutton, i wish you a happy degrees good night!元宵节边,35元肖南肖胃。从贪婪馋嘴今夜副歌,我祝你幸福度晚安! 

31、Acoustic percussion rounds of boiling scenes pyrotechnics and a beacon lantern on February fishes Lu:lu: breeze Chuojin you Xinwo, strings hoping to wish you: Happy Lantern Festival!一声声锣鼓一阵阵沸腾一幕幕烟火一盏盏彩灯和着二月丝丝缕缕的的微风踱进你心窝,串串企盼祝愿你:元宵快乐!

32、Lantern Festival send you a bowl of sweet rice balls, will be round dream of starting a business, round out the warm spring and love, a happy family reunion as a round, round to the New Year splendid fortune! Happy Lantern Festival!元宵节送你一碗汤圆,会创业,圆的梦圆了温暖如春的爱情,幸福的家庭团聚是一个圆,圆的新年灿烂的财富!元宵节快乐!

33、spring lantern festival celebration more than the family reunion more than happiness,good health and happiness and more profitable,more money every year more than luck and to wish good lot more!元宵佳节庆祝活动多与家人团聚多幸福,身体健康,家庭幸福,更有利可图的,每年都有的钱比运气和良好的祝愿有的!

34、On the Lantern Festival, the moon is round and round, and people like to be reunited during the festival.元宵月儿圆又圆,佳节人儿喜团圆。

35、Thinking of you and wish you a Happy Lantern Festival 快乐的元宵之际,谨致我的想念与祝福。

36、Wish you beautiful year after year, good luck and good luck, happy Lantern Festival!愿你漂亮一年胜一年呀,好运好事常连连啊,元宵节快乐!

37、Wish you a strong life everywhere, the Lantern Festival to the side, I wish you the most happy mood.愿你人生处处强,元宵佳节到身旁,祝愿你心情最欢畅。

38、Lantern Festival is coming. I wish you a happy reunion and a complete success.元宵节到了,祝你团团圆圆,圆圆满满!

39、Round Lantern Festival, round edge; round Lantern Festival, I wish you happiness and joy!圆圆的元宵,圆圆的缘;圆圆的元宵,祝你幸福又欢乐!

40、Miannen appearance of a round white, sentimental heart Tianrumi implicitly, Body Skin Liang Rui Hongyan GREen, the gentle-Sweetest I 1,559, 15 light night kiss you eat you.

41、wish you good luck and good luck every year. Happy Lantern Festival!祝你福运年年高,生活岁岁好。元宵节快乐!